Film Review: The Conspirator
Directed by Robert Redford, this is a clever and decidedly frank dramatic tale of what happens, when a nation and its leaders feel they are under threat. His direction is stunning in this film. Specifically, when Abraham Lincoln, the current president is assassinated as well as the secretary of state. In this film, the Civil War has apparently ended, at least the fighting has and on the 14th of April, 1865 the unthinkable happens, at a theatre. All are appalled and when the others that were planning such a heinous crime, are arrested and named, they too are tainted with the same brush of guilt by the media of the day, and by extension, the general populace. Including a young lawyer, Frederick Aiken, recently returned from a soldier's life, fighting on the union side of the Civil War, here portrayed by James McAvoy. Here in this film, it is really quite hard to even imagine that he is Scottish and not American. He has possibly the most believable American accent in this film...