TV Show Review: Homeland

There are shows that give you hope that in the world of television and people in it, that there are still quality and exciting drama shows out there.

I've seen two episode of show that delivers, and already I'm hooked.

Basic plot - CIA analyst, Carrie Mathison (played with almost unhinged determination by Claire Danes) who, until recently was working 'in the field' in Iraq. Her main goal, finding a terrorist known as Al Fazir. And the information she got off a prisoner, "Fazir has turned an American prisoner' becomes most intriguing, when lo and behold, an American prisoner of war is found and returned home.
Her role has already won her a well deserved Golden Globe award.

He, Sergeant Nicholas Brody, portrayed by Damian Lewis, also deservedly nominated for a Golden Globe award, has a wife and family.
And he has been held captive for eight years. The acting in this is quite top notch, including the supporting cast led by Mandy Patinkin who portrays Carrie's mentor and friend at the CIA.

The stage is set for some truly excellent drama scenes, which are delivered without any fuss. 


  1. This quote comes from another excellent drama series that I'm also hooked on.

    "Eric Northman: [pacing the porch, teasingly] To have and to hold. To love and to cherish. To blah blah blah blah. Till death do you part. Doesn't bother you that you'll be the only one doing the dying?
    Sookie Stackhouse: I'm not going to talk about this with you.
    Eric Northman: Okay... So you'd really rather stay out here all night than invite me in?
    Sookie Stackhouse: One minute you lie to me, the next minute you ask me to trust you. You do something generous and selfless. And then follow that with something nasty or down right cruel.
    Eric Northman: [suddenly alert and rushing her to the door] Invite me in.
    Sookie Stackhouse: You can't just bully your way in.
    Eric Northman: [drawing his fangs] Invite me in. Now!
    Sookie Stackhouse: Mr. Northman, would you please come in."


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