Miniseries Review: Labryinth (2012)

Whether or not you believe in a religion, let alone the grail stories, this two part story will hold you spellbound.

Based on the book by Kate Mosse (who has a small cameo and acts as consultant), the story switches between the town of Carcassone in 1209, when the crusaders have arrived, and present day, 2012.

Jessica Brown Findlay, is at the centre in the 13th century story as Alais Pelletier, who let into the grail secret by her father, and is in even more danger as a result. The lord of the town, Viscount Trencavel, portrayed by an almost unrecogniseable Tom Felton, is a close ally to the family.

In present time, Alice Tanner, portrayed by Vanessa Kirby, is a PhD graduate working on an archeological dig. All hell breaks loose when she wanders into a nearby cave and finds a ring and a skeleton.

John Hurt and Tony Curran have a small role each in the present and past parts, respectively. Both are   excellent as always.

This is a really well made production, the switching between past and present is seamless, which helps keep the story coherent.


  1. This quote comes from another miniseries/TV series that is also seamless and always manages to keep me entertained, even after repeated viewings.

    “Museum Director: Who are you?
    Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes.
    Museum Director: Am I supposed to be impressed?
    Sherlock Holmes: You should be. Have a nice day... ”


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