Film Review: Lockout

Set in 2079, there is a prison, in outer space, called MS 1, to house the really bad inmates. Psychos of the worst kind.

And Maggie Grace, portrays the President's daughter, Emily who's gone up there with a group to investigate the rumours of dark goings on in the facility.

Due to some incredibly bad luck and stupidity, the facility is taken over by the inmates.

Guy Pearce is the main character; Snow who after some action that goes wrong, is sent to the prison, with a simple but frankly impossible task, rescue Emily.

Luc Besson, known for bringing us other action mad films like The Transporter series, The Fifth Element, From Paris with Love and of course the Taken series, does well here too.

There are as many twists as special effects, and as many entertaining one liners as all the films that Mr Besson has written so far.

To add to this, having Mr Pearce in an action film is quite refreshing and makes the whole concept quite original. The others in the supporting cast include Peter Stormare, Lennie James and Joseph Gilgun. The latter's performance will give the faint of heart some pretty bad nightmares.

Thoroughly enjoyed this and if you've liked Mr Besson's screenplays, this will be one to put on the 'to watch' list.


  1. This quote comes from another action mad film, the one liners run rampant as well.

    “[the boy in Spanish] Chicle Boy: Is someone following you?
    [Sands just got his eyes removed] Agent Sands: Well, it's a little difficult for me to tell right now, because I'm kinda having a bad day. [Slams his head against the wall] Ouch."


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