TV Series Review: Justified

I write this knowing full well that the first season that I have recently finished watching, was released three years ago and that this series is about to start with its fifth season, but for all those who haven't started, I thoroughly recommend that you do.

Anyone who loves the films with Tommy Lee Jones, Fugitive and US Marshals, will be won over by the pilot. Most TV series these days, with drama as their main genre, will be well scripted, acted, all the rest, but will be a chore to get through. Every episode, after it ends, you take a few deep breaths and remember that its done, you don't need to watch it again.

Justified on the other hand, has enough humour and likeable characters to make every episode enjoyable to watch and re-watch over and over again. It is a drama, but with a comedic side to make you laugh, even after some horrible event.

The main character, US Marshal Raylan Givens, (portrayed by Timothy Olyphant) is reassigned to his hometown of Harlan, in the state of Kentucky after shooting a Miami hit man. Its punishment for him, as its becomes obvious that he left for many good reasons, all of which are clear in the first few episodes, but he adapts to his new situation in life, with attitude and gets the job done.

Mr Olyphant is quite something as Raylan, maybe best known from Die Hard 4.0, Deadwood and more recently I am Number Four, brings a subtlety to his character and to the range of emotions that you see and hear. He was nominated for a Primetime Emmy for his role and its a great mystery to me why he didn't win.

Nick Searcy, Natalie Zea, Joelle Carter, Jacob Pitts, Erica Tazel and Walton Goggins round out the supporting cast and they all make their mark on the series.

All I can say is, I am very excited to watch the next season, especially if its is as great as the first.


  1. This quote comes from a film that also feature no-nonsense law enforcement officials, working and fighting hard to get the job done.

    “Sgt. John O'Mara: We're going to war.
    Officer Navidad Ramirez: [suddenly appearing] That sounds good to me.[the group points their guns at him] Take it easy I'm on your side.
    Officer Conway Keeler: Who the fuck is this guy?
    Officer Max Kennard: He's a huge pain in my ass, is what he is.”


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