TV Series review: Constantine

I think it only fair to warn first off (if you didn't already know) that this series has already been cancelled after its first season of thirteen episodes.

Quite sad really.

Of course there are those who say that they will bring the show back, especially after the main character made a cameo appearance of the most recent Arrow episode, but after hearing the same of Moonlight and others, I'll believe it when I see it.

Very fitting really - a lot of weird stuff goes down in this show, anyone who remembers the Keanu Reeves movie back in 2005 will be well prepared for creepy and freaky demons coming out of the woodwork - sometimes literally - and some suspension of belief is called for, but not too much.

John Constantine, here portrayed by Welsh actor Matt Ryan, is occult world weary and as the pilot opens, we see he has voluntarily retreated to a mental hospital for events past. Of course, there is no rest for the wicked and its not long before he's pulled back to do what he does best.

Banish demons with a few tricks and high amounts of sarcasm. There are many examples when black comedy helps sell a show and makes it magical, this is just one of them.

Charles Halford as Chas, Angélica Celaya as Zed, Harold Perrineau as Manny and Michael James Shaw as Papa Midnite make up the supporting cast. All the actors give it the required amount to make it look not like a complete joke.
Plus a little bit more. Unfortunately the award peoples weren't watching.
It takes a lot, it shows when you don't. Much like Amy Adams and James Marsden in Enchanted - if you don't portray the character properly and without sincerity, it doesn't work. Even if the script and special effects are excellent, its painful and obvious.

So, yeah, very enjoyable so far - quality too - after five episodes.

Also, matter of interest - first three episodes of the show have had one person from Justified as a guest. First in the pilot was Jeremy Davies (he played Dickie Bennett from the second season onwards), next in the second episode was James Le Gros (Wade Messer) and last in the third was Joelle Carter, (Ava Crowder).
Quite funny that.


  1. This quote comes from another film where one character keeps the story moving thanks to some sarcastic/dry humour.

    “Duncan: How long have you been working there?
    Owen: Oh, the park? Um, I've always been there. Ever since I was a small Cambodian child. Of course, that was after 'Nam. I was in the shit. Then I joined the circus to become a clown fighter. I know about 46 ways to kill a clown. I hate clowns. I'm kidding except for the part where I really do hate them.”


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