Article on colour in film

 Anyone who has studied English literature at any point in their life will know this one. Red means danger, green new life, blue sadness and so on.

But there is one colour that usually gets skipped over. 

And that is purple. Once upon a time, purple denoted royalty. It was an expensive fabric dye, reserved even back in the day for those who could afford it. 

Now, though, it is attached to anything malignant, evil and wrong. Any time there is a vile potion meant to corrupt anyone remotely near it, it's purple.

Power Rangers 90's movie, the main plot by the resident baddie was rendering the parents in the local town infected - by a purple goop. Same with Despicable Me 2, Hercules (Disney), Penguins and most recently, the big villain of this decade - Thanos.

And let's not forget Madam Mim in The Sword in the stone, Ursula in The Little Mermaid, Yzma in The Emperor's New Clothes, and the list goes on. And on.

It's a strange transformation for one colour to go through, but perhaps not. Royalty is just simply power and power corrupts over time.

Something to ponder.


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