Article on the Actor: Bill Hunter

I am writing after mere moments after hearing of the loss of one of the greatest and well known Australian actors,   Bill Hunter.

It comes as a great shock to me, as it will to the many others who remember him in Muriel's Wedding, Strictly Ballroom, Crackerjack, Priscilla - Queen of the Desert, Gallipoli, Finding Nemo, The Square and Australia. He also made many TV appearances in various shows, including SeaChange.

I grew up watching the film Priscilla, and later on saw him in most of the others listed above as well. Actors like these, are thought of as legends, but are also considered part of the family and friends circle. They stick in your mind for quite some time, long after the credits are done. The characters they create on screen, doubly so.

Farewell, Mr Hunter, you shall be greatly missed by us all.


  1. This was a sad article, so I'm countering that with two quotes from funny films.

    “Fred: You just put a piece of broccoli in your mouth and said, "Mm, what a lovely piece of broccoli.”

    “Brian: I am NOT the Messiah!
    Arthur: I say you are Lord, and I should know. I've followed a few.”


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