Film Review: The Borrowers (2011)

This is quite different from the version released in 1997, more angst and some drama, instead of the cutesy comedy from the first.
This has some comedic moments as well, thanks mostly to Stephen Fry and Robert Sheehan's characters. And Christopher Eccleston's as well, come to that. His introduction and subsequent scenes are all worth watching.
Mr Sheehan appeared to be portraying, more or less a PG version of Nathan in this, which worked rather well.

Mr Fry was portraying the character Professor Mildeye in the film, which suits his well known intelligence and articulation perfectly.

I quite enjoyed it, thanks in part from the tight script and the believable (kind of) special effects. There was not anything overly high tech, but instead the production team kept things simple. Less is more, in this case, worked well and meant that the focus was on the storyline and characters.

Five Stars!


  1. The first quote comes from another film Christopher Eccleston was in.

    "Raymond Calitri: They threw us out of England; they threw us out of France, so here we are. Flourishing, really, except for the minor inconvenience of despising everything about your country."

    And the second comes from another comedic film where the adults are also confounded by another "little person".

    "Eddie: No problem, fellas. It ain't a hole. It's a tunnel. And what's every tunnel got?
    Norby: Ooh! Don't tell me! I know, I know, I know. It's uh, uh, uh - -...
    Veeko: Tollbooth at the end.
    Eddie: Are you always this stupid, or do you do this just to annoy me?"


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