Film Review: Sucker Punch

My first preconceptions of this film, thanks to the reviews I had read, were quite similar to those of the film Inception.

Also similar was my reaction to the film, expecting to be confused by the three worlds, and I wasn't. It all made perfect sense.

The main character, portrayed by Emily Browning, is sent to a mental asylum by her stepfather when she accidentally shoots her sister. This is in the, say we say, "first world". Not long after arrival at a pivotal moment,   it transcends into the "second world", the mental asylum becomes a brothel, and Ms Browning's character's name is Baby Doll.

When she dances, she goes into the third and last world, an ever changing battlefield. It is there, where she meets the "Wise Man", portrayed by Scott Glenn, who gives her a list of items with which to escape. Back in the second world, she recruits her fellow inmates, Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish), her sister Rocket (Jena Malone), Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens) and Amber (Jamie Chung) to help in her plan.

What follows, is, admittedly a lot of CGI shots, but with some very cleverly designed and choreographed fight scenes in the "third world", which are inserted to stand in as an illustration as how they collect the items in the "second world".

Oscar Isaac, Carla Gugino and Jon Hamm all do spectacular work in their supporting roles.

There are films that transcend reality, this one does it in spades. Well done.


  1. The two quotes below are from another film that features strong women in a time of adversity.

    “Lady Hester: The Germans and the Italians couldn't get rid of us. There is absolutely no reason why we should surrender to the Scots.”
    “[during Elsa's escape] Elsa Morganthal Strauss-Armistan: Are you trying to get rid of me?
    Lady Hester: Absolutely.”


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