Film Review: Transformers - Dark of the Moon

So, they borrow a well known song and album title from the band Pink Floyd, or at least part of it for the title of the third (and hopefully last) film in the trilogy.

Don't get me wrong, I like a good action film, as much as the next person, and Michael Bay's style in filmmaking has, up until now, done pretty well and impressed me.

See, with the first film, the action scenes and important ones to tie the story (kind of) together, were well mixed and it was a good film to watch all round. The second, not so much. It took a while for the actual story to begin, but when it got there, it was reasonable.

This one, it has an entertaining conspiracy theory beginning, bit of a laugh there. The action scenes have all been given a booster jab, not that they needed it. A few well known stars have been given cameos, which is fun, for the first scenes.

While I'm on the subject, the actors in this (and we're not including the Victoria Secret Model in this list) are all obviously aware that they're acting skills are not needed in this film, and aside from a few key scenes, aren't really bothering to do more than the required minimum. And someone needs to tell Michael Bay to tone down the American flag shots, the corniness of it was pushing the limits.

It's an entertaining story, and I loved the Linkin Park song in the end credits and in a pivotal scene, but I'd much prefer watching a quality action film, for example The Rock.


  1. The quote below is from another action film that is a bit over the top, but still enjoyable.

    “John McClane: Are you Matt Farrell? Matthew Farrell?
    Matt Farrell: No, he, uh, actually does not live here anymore.
    John McClane: Of course not. Who are you?
    Matt Farrell: My name is Daisy Duke. Got a lot of shit for it when I was a kid. Please don't add to it.
    Slacker Kid: Hey, Farrell. Sully just P.D.L.'d a new copy of the, uh, Kill Zone 9, the one that ain't out yet. You wanna come check it out?
    Matt Farrell: No, thanks though, man. And good luck at the bad timing awards.”


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