TV Series Review: Da Vinci's Demons

From the first scene of the pilot, I was hooked. Admittedly, I was already interested to a high degree, given the signs:

David Goyer, co writer of the Dark Knight Trilogy, has created a show about the early and not well known years of Leonardo Da Vinci, which allows for a lot more creative licence. The actors, some more well known than others, but all committed to their characters.

It is a historical drama fantasy, but also a thriller. Renaissance Florence, has its politics, the game and shifts in power ever changing.

Lorenzo Medici, also known as Il Magnifico, is undisputed leader of Florence, but the ground is shifting from under him. He is portrayed by Elliot Cowan. In the pilot, a powerful ally is assassinated, which starts the earthquake and introduces enemies from Rome. Chief among which, Count Giralamo Riario, the Pope's nephew and a real nasty piece of work. (Portrayed here by Blake Ritson)

Leonardo is an artist, who sees more around him than his contemporaries. He is constantly experimenting and building strange and ground breaking inventions. He sees the shifts in power and is anxious to promote himself as a war engineer to the Medici's. He is portrayed by Tom Riley, best known for his role in Lost in Austen as George Willoughby.

Lucrezia Donati, is Lorenzo's mistress, but also a spy for Rome and Riario. She is constantly treading water, playing both sides of the coin.

The production values and costume are all of a high standard.

All in all, an excellent start to what should be one of the best TV series this year.


  1. This quote comes from another TV series where all the elements are of an equally high standard.

    “Dr John Watson: I can remember it, or at least I could if I could get to my pockets. I took a photograph.
    Sherlock Holmes: Oh.”


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