TV Series Review: The Flash

Superhero films in general, usually have the most unhealthy helping of corniness imaginable. Not just supers, its also shows like the remake of Hawaii Five O, it grew and it lost me as a viewer.
It doesn't help much as far as good story-lines, the script, characters etc are concerned.

Some love this, I mean, look at the level of support for characters like Superman, the X-Men crew, Batman, Spiderman, Daredevil, Elektra.
The list goes on.

I haven't been a fan of the superhero classics, I mean, come on Superman puts on a pair of glasses and that instantly makes him invisible. Maybe its the old Emperor's New Clothes principle at work, we buy into it because we want to enjoy the overall story.

Either way, too much corniness can overwhelm - read piss off today's viewer, which is why I am heavily enjoying watching the most recent superhero adaptation:

The Flash.

Like the main character, the focus on a specific tone, moves just as fast from really serious to sad to cheeky to funny to corniness yes, but just as fast to the next, which is its saving grace. Corniness must have been written in the iron clad contract of all superhero related adaptations ever made, but in this one at least, they have managed to keep it to a small level.

If only they could eliminate the opening and closing voiceovers and I'd be really happy.

Mini rant over - this is a good series. Like I've said, the tone moves fast, you might be groaning at a corny one moment, but the next is a line like, "Yeah, teen me lived for danger" and you laugh and the groan will be forgotten.

It's not just the tone either, each episode wastes no time as far as story is concerned, or character development for that matter. Each and every scene (and line) has a strong purpose and reason for being where it is and also helps to draw you in and wonder where they are heading next.
Because aside from the usual part of a newly created hero figuring out his powers and what they're to be used for, there are other concerns, which are being hidden and shown only a little off.

And that keeps it more than just a little interesting. And intriguing.

Another part of this show that sets it apart - is that the main cast is made up of actors that have so far being the supporting act in others.

A few levels above that of "relative unknowns", is a blessing for something new (The Flash is an old story - I'm not disputing that) and here, the cast is lead by Grant Gustin, portraying the main character, Barry Allen. He works as a Forensic Scientist for the Police Department.

And after the events of the pilot, a new hero for his city. Candice Patton portrays his oldest friend Iris, Jesse L Martin his work colleague - Detective Joe West and his friend's father.

Rick Cosnett enters the scene as well, a lot may know him for playing a certain Dr Wes Maxfield in The Vampire Diaries fifth season and may be giving him sideways glances. Not to worry TVD fans, he doesn't have a needle in his hand here, just a gun and a badge - he portrays Joe's partner.

The rest of the cast are workers at STAR labs, intelligent and yet damaged by the events of the pilot - Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Dr Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), the last being part of that intrigue I mentioned earlier.

Its a pretty strong cast all round and along with the great story-lines (I've watched the first three episodes so far) I'm giving this a pretty definite thumbs up and saying, yep, its a good one.


  1. This quote comes from another superhero adaptation that moves just as fast and is just as good.

    “Erik [before Charles uses Cerebro for the first time] What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles.
    Professor Charles Xavier: Don't spoil this for me, Erik.
    Erik: I've been a lab rat. I know when I see one.”


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