Film Review: What we did on our Holiday

The plan is for the family to celebrate the grandfather's 75th birthday up in Scotland, but like a lot of best laid plans, the whole thing rapidly goes to pot, in a perfectly off kilter way.

The film has been marketed and trailered as a family comedy, but here is the disclaimer - its not completely that.
Fair warning: there are some teary moments, and its a pity the MTV Movie Awards' "Best WTF Moment" nominees have been announced, because there are several in this film that would probably wipe the board on that one.

Doug (David Tennant) and Abi (Rosamund Pike) and their three young kids (who steal the show) Jess, Lottie and Mickey (Harriet Turnbull, Emilia Jones and Bobby Smalldridge respectively) travel up to Scotland to Doug's brother Gavin's (Ben Miller) and his wife Margaret (Amelia Bullmore) house. Their son Kenneth, is portrayed by Lewis The grandfather, Gordie - portrayed by Billy Connolly - really, who else could do that role, is the perfect foil to the strait-laced antics of his sons and daughters in law.

Annette Crosbie, Celia Imrie round out the supporting cast.

Its a pretty good film, the scenery is just spectacular and if you can manage the cringe worthy moments, its worthwhile to watch.


  1. This quote comes from another family dramedy.

    Evelyn Wright: "We have to talk.
    Deborah Clasky: Mother, are you buzzed?
    Evelyn Wright: No. I quit drinking weeks ago! No one noticed, but I guess that's a pretty good indicator that I conducted myself quite well when I was drunk. But this isn't about me right now."


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