Film Review: Legend

Considering the roles that Tom Hardy has portrayed in the past and the high caliber of his work, when I heard he was going to portray the Kray brothers, real life London gangsters, I was thrilled.

Then I heard that Brian Helgeland, he who wrote the screenplay for LA Confidential, Man on fire,  A Knight's Tale and also directed that last one as well, would be directing and wrote the screenplay for this latest venture. Its a dark tale, full of violence of one kind or another at multiple points. Its based on the book by John Pearson.

Mr Helgeland does not shy away from these moments, but at that the same time, they do not dominate every moment, just overshadows them. It is a fine line, one that Mr Helgeland manages well and also drops in moments of humour, even when everything appears to be going to pot. And no doubt is about to.

The good news continued with the rest of the cast and crew. Emily Browning, Christopher Eccleston - its been too long - Paul Anderson, Colin Morgan, Taron Egerton, Tara Fitzgerald - everyone pulled their weight.

Carter Burwell's score is used brilliantly, but in some moments there is none, which also works its own magic, it highlights the glamour and the gore.

All in all, a seriously well made film, but not something to pop on for a bit of "light entertainment" by any standard. Not kidding around, Mr Hardy deserves some award attention for this film, as do the others, but it is a drama, that sticks around, long after the credits roll on. And that goes double for a film that is based on true events.


  1. This quote comes from another film based on a book, both same level of quality.

    “Rev. Sykes: Jean Louise. Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passing.”


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