Film Review: Brooklyn

Jim Broadbent and Julie Walters have long been pillars in the British acting community and when a film has both of them in supporting roles, it is not just a piece of instant comfort to the main character, but also to the viewers.

And it also says a lot about the acting ability of Saoirse Ronan, that she not only holds her own among such experienced people, but that her character shines above all others.

The rest of the supporting cast are excellent too, including Emily Bett Rickards, Emory Cohen, Domhnall Gleeson and Eileen O'Higgins.

This is an excellent film all round and thoroughly deserves all the nominations that have awarded to it.

Nick Hornby once more proves that he is the master of book adaptations. And John Crowley's direction is greatly understated.


  1. This quote comes from another story that involves love. That mixes in good humour.

    “Charlotte Palmer: She'll be wet through when she returns.
    Mr. Palmer: Thank you for pointing that out, my dear.”


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