Article on Actors with impressive voices

Back in the day, radio was a large part of what entertained the masses. There is a saying, would listen to him (or her) read the phonebook. That implies the idea that someone had a voice you could happily listen to for hours on end, hence the very popular audio book and also the podcast.

But for films and television series, a character with such a voice that gives that extra amount of gravitas, emotion and generally an aura of importance.

So, lets top ten this theory. Here, I won't be listing the obvious, people like Morgan Freeman, Stephen Fry or James Earl Jones, impressive though they are. No, here I will be picking those that aren't automatically thought off.

(There are definitely more than ten out there, but for now, ten it shall be. And yes, I'm well aware I will be missing a few names on this list.)

John Noble. The man is a native of South Australia and yet his English accent is stronger and firmer than most and has that tone that will send shivers down your spine.

Emma Thompson. Probably one of the more believable and yet when it comes to over the top, it still has that rich emotion to it.

Kevin Grevioux. Probably most the deep (literally) on this list. You would think he has help, but no, its completely natural. And deeply impressive.

Gugu Mbatha-Raw. I first heard (and saw) her in the film Belle, where her story (based on true events) was quite strained and in that period of history, emotions were required by protocol and status to be restrained and muted, but in every situation, her voice clearly indicated what was happening.

Tom Burke. On screen and stage, his has presence and charisma that draws you in from the first and keeps you listening.

Gal Gadot. She is true beauty personified, inside and out and her voice is a reflection of that. If someone can imbue their voice with much emotion, that they don't even need to raise their voice to get their point across, that is something special.

Jeremy Irons. The man could be speaking gibberish and it would still sound like Shakespeare. His is the voice on the Westminster Abbey audio guides and for a place with that majesty and history, his voice is perfect.

Alfred Molina. There's a scene in the film The Sorcerer's apprentice when he's criticising Dave on a school paper. Dave says in response "I was nine."
His response is one word, "Irrelevant," and just one word has more emotion and power that gives me the giggles every single time.

Cillian Murphy. Irish, English, American, Brummie, in every accent he puts on, he seduces the other characters and the viewers in a few words and leaves us wanting more every time.

And last but not least - Clancy Brown. He has been in many things, but there is one scene in an episode of Carnivale which really does show his range and skill in making his voice deliver one of the finest speeches that does shake you to the core. Words can do that, but his voice speaking them sends shivers down your spine.
So, that's my list - for now, I'm sure there'll be another top ten at some point.


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