TV Series Review: A discovery of witches

I watch quite a few films and tv series with supernatural themes and characters. So much so that when I am joined on the couch, prompts the question, is he a werewolf or a vampire. Or a demon. Devil.

People have asked me why I watch so many, and it is a fair point.

I suppose one answer, is that having a supernatural side, it opens the door for many story options in the series or film.
As opposed to a character being able to do option A B or C in the show, now they can do G R or even J and bring forward a new bundle of opportunities that were impossible before. The UK series Being Human, was originally not going to be a supernatural house sharing series at all.

It was a late addition.

Villains have had to become more crafty, as death doesn't hold the same dominion it once did. In series like The Originals, Vampire Diaries and now Stranger Things and Sabrina, the concept of 'body jumping' or plain old possession - where one character will inhabit someone else's body has upped the game considerably and made things more difficult for the protagonist.

Not to mention, when characters like vampires have their moral difficulties, it adds a whole new layer of character development. In most vampire series, they are limited to kill to survive, or killing an innocent becomes a fact of their new life. In the Vampire Diaries/Originals, Being Human, the idea is that they are predators and humans are defenceless in their wake.

It prompts a lot of character monologues, scenes with another character on the whole concept of good/bad or evil, and the gray area between the black and white of morality is explored in great deal.

There have been many over the last decade, more coming every day, ranging in quality and and quantity.

Which brings us to the new (to Australia anyway) addition: A discovery of witches. Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer portray a vampire and a witch respectively, in this world where vampires, witches and daemons live in the shadows, but are still bettering themselves through higher education. Vampires especially, have that time on their hands, makes sense to have a few degrees here and there.

In this world, they are aware of each other, but quite suspicious and doubtful of the other's intentions.

At the moment, this is my favourite out of all the series so far, the series storyline resembles a great orchestra at play, where all the instruments bring forth a beautiful harmony, but you can almost sense the drums and cymbals underneath, which keep a steady sinister beat for the most part but come out in forth for the properly tense conflicts. Which makes those moments all the more powerful.

Same too for the characters of Matthew and Diana, they have their dark sides hidden just under the casual clothes and PhD's but they come out when the fight does.

I'm impressed, and I have seen plenty to know the diamond in the rough.


  1. This quote comes from another film with an expected love story.

    Belle: [to the Beast, after he's wounded during the wolf fight] You have to help me. You have to stand.


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