Film review: Cruella

 It's nice that even with two and half minute long trailers, a film can still surprise you. And keep you guessing.

Which is precisely what happened with this newest turn of bringing one of the better villains to the screen and giving us her own backstory, complete with lots of attitude and the best outfits. And quite possibly the best film soundtrack since the Guardians of the Galaxy films.

And I'm going to say it, Emma Stone's portrayal of Cruella is better than what she did in La La Land. The only recognisable part of Ms Stone, is her well known energy that she brings to every role but in this, it's up a notch. I imagine the joy of bringing a villain to life added a few levels of fun - the rest is pure sass, class and rebellion all in one slightly off kilter character that keeps you going back for more.

Superb supporting cast, Emma Thompson leads the others in a fun and crazy ride with some proper crew at the helm to make sure the cartwheels don't spin off completely.

Top marks everyone.


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