Film Review: SAS - Red Notice

 The aforementioned film's title had a change for Australian audiences (SAS - Rise of the Black Swans) but to avoid confusion, I'm using the original title for this review. I'm still not sure what part of the original wasn't suitable - is this another Burger King/Hungry Jacks scenario? Hard to say.

Anyway, onto the film itself. I did not have high expectations for it at all. While other genres have moved on in the years and (for the most part) grown more clever and modern, action thriller is one that seems to plod alongside, seemingly a melange of guns and shouting, with a couple of diamonds in the rough, making it a proper struggle to find a good one that stands the test of time.

This one, was actually a lot better than I gave it credit for and was pleasantly surprised. Sam Heughan, Tom Hopper, Andy Serkis, Ruby Rose, Hannah John-Kamen and Tom Wilkinson lead the charge and bring a great deal of electric energy to the film. 

It's based on an Andy McNab novel, which helps with the intriguing plot and it's clear the director and the editor were in sync with each other. The whole film itself moves along nice and quick and the action scenes are well thought out and choreographed nicely - none of that craziness where you're not sure who's fighting who and so on. 

I won't spoil any more of it, give it a go and see what you think.


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