Film Review: Ghostbusters Afterlife
Well, it took its time, but finally we have a Ghostbusters film that honours the original and manages to stand on its own two feet as a pretty damn good film. The main impression I got, was that of respect. They had fun, yes, but they were careful and polite with the source material and it definitely shows.
The writing is solid, and takes a honest step forward with the ideas of the first, while introducing some fun new characters. While the special effects have definitely taken quite a few (hundred) steps forward, they haven't gone overboard. They've retained the feel of the original - same car, just with a more advanced engine.
It's a special little story, with a whole lot of heart and it definitely tugs at the heartstrings - I definitely got a little teary at some parts.
I won't spoil it for you, go and see the magic for yourself.
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